Afif Abad Garden

Golshan Garden is one of the historical monuments of Shiraz that was prominent at safavid period and it is situated in Afif Abad Street, Shiraz, also known as Afif Abad Garden. This garden is now in the hands of the army and is one of the largest Middle Eastern weapons museums. The garden with an area of approximately 127,000 square meters is one of the most beautiful historical gardens in Shiraz, which was built in 1863.

historical garden


Golshan garden is one of the most beautiful historical gardens in Shiraz, blending the architectural features of the Achaemenid, Sassanid and Qajar eras. During the Safavid dynasty, it was used as a palace by the Safavid Kings.

The Garden is a perfect example of Iranian floriculture art. Afif Abad Garden’s mansion builder is Mirza Ali Mohammad Khan Qavam II, who built it in 1867. This garden is located in one of the reputable regions of Shiraz and complex was built in 1863. The complex contains a former royal palace, a museum of historical weapons and a Persian garden, all available for public visitation.

Architecture of Afif Abad Garden

The building of the manor has two floors where there are nearly 30 chamber halls. There are two carved marble fireplaces in the north and south of the hall. The lower floor is now a military museum and a beautiful fountain has been built there. This floor goes to the second floor with three stairs. The second floor has a long corridor with nested rooms along both sides. There is a magnificent larg hall at the center of this floor. It has a wooden ceiling and is ornamented with pictures of flowers and plants, hunting preserves, and festivity and joy. All around the “Ebrat Museum” is in this floor. The architecture of the garden is a mixture of the architectural features of the Achaemenid, Sassanid, and Qajar eras.


Opening hours

This historical garden is open for visitors in spring, summer time from 08.30 am to 21.30 pm and in autumn, winter time from 08.30 am to 20.30 pm. It contains a former royal mansion, a historical weapons museum, and a Persian garden, all open to the public.